a day in the life of · editorial · jobs · publishing · reading · writing

What editors worry about…

I was talking to one of my authors last week and she said she couldn't believe that book editors also worry about things - we likely all know that authors do worry about the publishing process, understandably so, as they are giving over their work to a publishing house and essentially relinquishing a lot of… Continue reading What editors worry about…

a day in the life of · reading · writing

Writing in a time of Covid

I'm writing this sat at my kitchen table, which is now where I spend the vast majority of my time. Occasionally, I move to the sofa, and once a day I go outside - into the streets of North London, with their shuttered up shops, their chalked warning signs, and their strange silence that descends… Continue reading Writing in a time of Covid


Pigeonhole – the book club in your pocket!

I'm so excited to be partnering up with Pigeonhole, a digital serialisation company that will be giving away sections of my book, The Doll House, for FREE! It's very simple to join up and they will then deliver the full book (in sections) to your phone, along with extra content from me and the opportunity… Continue reading Pigeonhole – the book club in your pocket!