editorial · jobs · publishing · strategy · writing

Why your ‘hook’ matters in commercial fiction

The question I probably get asked the most at work about the books I am publishing is, 'what's the hook?' It's the question that I think about when I am reading submissions, when I'm looking at competitor titles, and when I'm talking to authors and agents about their upcoming works. So, what is a hook… Continue reading Why your ‘hook’ matters in commercial fiction

editorial · publishing · strategy

What it’s really like to change publisher partway through your career

When you're first starting out as an author, all you want is to get a publishing deal. I know - I've been there! But what happens if, a few books down the line, you decide you need a change? There are a myriad of reasons why an author might move publisher partway through their career… Continue reading What it’s really like to change publisher partway through your career

jobs · publishing · strategy

Impostor Syndrome in writing

I'm not a real writer. That's the thought that goes through my mind probably on a daily basis, and ramps up even more whenever I'm doing anything around publication - events, emails, writing, and whenever I respond to readers. I genuinely feel like I've somehow conned people into thinking I can write, and managed to… Continue reading Impostor Syndrome in writing

jobs · Publicity and Marketing · publishing · strategy · writing

Some of the best people to follow on Twitter in the book world

This is a long subject line but there are hundreds of brilliant bookish people to follow on Twitter so I wanted to be clear that these are only 'some' of them! I know not everyone is on Twitter and that it can be seen as a negative place BUT in my experience if you just… Continue reading Some of the best people to follow on Twitter in the book world

agents · editorial · publishing · strategy · writing

To agent or not to agent

One of the things people sometimes email me about is getting a literary agent, and whether or not they should. Nowadays, with so many new publishers doing exciting things and the self-publishing industry booming too, I can completely understand why you might feel as though you don't need an agent. However - and this is… Continue reading To agent or not to agent